Tuesday, 6 December 2011

9. Time Management.

Time management can sometimes be seen as the most important tool available to all students but utilised by very few. For good time management you must prioritise, be specific and break the tasks down into bite size chunks. When you are doing this remember to USE ALL YOUR TIME EFFECIENTLY AND EFFECTIVELY. Schedules are the most common way of attempting to ensure that this can happen much more productively. Put down on a personal calendar where and when you wish to spend time working on college work.
I am personally a procrastinator and if I’m not strict on the way in which I approach my studies it is far too easy for me to waste my productive or work time. This wasting of time leads to serious amounts of hours being lost every week. Most students, when asked about completing assignments what would have helped you gain a better grade the common answers back are an extra week to perfect it or less other things happening at the time leading up to when it needed to be done by.
Considering this, common sense tells us that there has been poor time management leading up to this date and the person has wasted some time and therefore needs the extra time to make up for that. All this considered, always remember to time manage so down time into your schedule too. Do sports. Go to the pub with friends. Watch the soaps. This is just as important too.

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