Tuesday, 6 December 2011

4. Effective Presentations

     Presentations are one of the most difficult things for people to do. Depending on the person and the situation in which the presentation must be delivered many different factors weigh on people’s mind. These pressures generally manifest themselves in a similar form for everybody, ‘fear’. Everybody in my class had to do a presentation as part of our communications module and, even though many tried to get out of it, there were no exceptions.
     I am a confident enough person at the best of times even boarding on the cocky, but still when I had to stand in front of my peers and talk for a mere five minutes the heart rate was definitely elevated above a comfortable level. If you yourself are doing a presentation, not to scare you but to prepare you, be very aware you will feel this too. It’s only natural.
     I found that what definitely eased fears for me the best was preparation. Do the presentation to yourself several times and as many times as you can talk your family into listening to you, present to them to. When it comes to the real thing, it really is no different. That old trick of imagining everybody in their underpants would have been absolutely no use to me as there are a few in my class that may have been, to say, a little more than distracting. Focus is the key. Know your subject matter, know your slides and appear confident. People don’t know how you are feeling inside, just how you look outside. Deliver with confidence and get that first slide out of the way, the rest will the same so nail that first one.
Good Luck!


  1. I found your blog interesting. I agree that preparation, focus and delivery are key when presenting.

  2. I found it reassuring to know that other people experience a range of feelings when presenting, like I do. One of the most important points I took from your blog is that preparation is key to an effective presentation.
